"A Journey Shared Part 5 - "My Big Challenge."

Here's one of the big battles I am facing - 'doubt'! Peter sees Jesus walking on the water. Jesus encourages him to get out of the boat and walk to Him. He does so. For the first few steps all is well. Suddenly Peter starts to sink! - Jesus takes his hand and says.."Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?" (Matthew 8:31). Those two words 'doubt' and 'faith' have been, and remain, a challenge to many Christians. And I must admit to being one of those right now. 'Doubt' even puts some people off asking God for certain things in prayer. They doubt. So they would rather keep quiet and not ask. The first thing to understand when making prayer requests is that we will not always get the answer that we want or in the time we want it. All prayer requests should come with that proviso (as did Jesus' before he was arrested) .. "Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, b...